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Our environmental and social approach

Our purpose

Audensiel has become a company with a mission.  

“Facilitating access to digital uses and professions in order to contribute to a fairer and more inclusive society. »

Our goals

At Audensiel, Corporate Social Responsibility is an important issue in order to meet market requirements and retain our employees around our strategy. Our action plan responds to the three fundamentals: economic, social and environmental.


A committed company

Our concrete actions

Pousse plante dans creux de la main

-Provision of hybrid vehicles for sales teams (20%)

-Raising awareness and calculating the individual carbon footprint of our employees to assess its impact

-Signature of green electricity contracts for our premises in Boulogne-Billancourt and Bordeaux

-LED lighting in our offices

-Installation of recycling bins in our offices managed by ESAT Elise to sort, recycle and recover waste

-Collaboration with committed partners responding to our CSR approach

-Implementation of the electronic signature to limit the use of paper

Dematerialization of outgoing and incoming invoices and expense reports

Motivation d'équipe et cri de guerre

-Promoting access to work for people with disabilities

-Compliance with community and national social legislation and collective agreements in each country

-Respect for the exercise of trade union rights in each of the countries concerned

-Working conditions respecting the health, safety and dignity of employees

-Employee training

-Development of a responsible social dialogue

-Wages and benefits at least at the level of legal and conventional standards

-Working hours and conditions in accordance with the legislation


-Respect for international law aimed at the protection of human rights

-Work environment free from any physical, psychological and oral harassment or any other abusive conduct

-Equal access to employment

-"Zero-tolerance" policy on corruption including "facilitation payments"

-Real professional equality between women and men, diversity and labor rights for all

-Guarantee of pleasant workspaces where it is good to work

-Transparency policy to avoid conflicts of interest

-Respect for privacy and personal data

Collaborateurs dans bureau




Digital accessibility is at the heart of the concerns related to the development or the provision of websites or applications both to the public and to internal staff at Audensiel .

Audensiel carries out constant action in favor of inclusion to promote digital access for all. Internally, Audensiel strives to ensure respect for diversity in all its forms, to fight against discrimination, to promote gender parity and to guarantee a quality work environment.

The Disability mission, attached to the Human Resources department, in line with the strategic priorities of recruitment, integration and management of disabled workers, is the point of contact for disabled workers; it acts in conjunction with the other departments. She represents Audensiel with external players involved in this area. It has the necessary means to accomplish and develop its missions in good conditions. It is the usual point of contact for disabled workers, their assignment department, the Human Resources departments, and all those involved in the employer's commitment to them.


The desire to strengthen the digital accessibility of Audensiel's digital tools is illustrated by the development of this multi-year digital accessibility plan associated with annual action plans, with the aim of supporting RGAA compliance. (General Repository for Improving Accessibility) and the gradual improvement of the website and applications concerned. 

Deux mains qui se rejoignent
Check de poings

In 2021, Audensiel obtained a score of 93/100 on the Professional Gender Equality Index.

Audensiel is committed to gender equality.

Want to know more
on our commitments?
Let's talk about it

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