As part of the 5th International Conference on Information and Computing Technologies (ICICT) which took place in March 2022 in New York, Hajer, Doctor of Computer Science at Audensiel, presents his article published in IEEE Xplore on the adaptive user-profile classification in e-commerce websites.
Check out the summary below :
« On e-commerce sites, users change their pref-erences over time concerning the products they want to purchase. Indeed, a product that is desired today may no longer be of interest tomorrow. This may be caused by a purchase of a similar product, a change of user's situation (marriage, birth, etc.) leading to the appearance of new preferences. Therefore, classifying users of an e-commerce site in a fixed class can induce inaccurate recommendations. Besides, a user may have different tastes and behaviors on the e-commerce site and therefore belong to several classes of user profiles. »
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