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Audensiel engages in the POEI scheme with LePont, School of Data Science

Audensiel’s team is involved in recruiting Data Engineer profiles as part of the POEI (Operational Preparation for Individual Employment) scheme in partnership with the LePont school. The objective is to integrate the profiles after their training, which will begin in September 2023.

Recruit via the POEI system

This device is an aid for training before hiring. Thanks to our partnership with the LePont school, job seekers registered in the Pôle Emploi, pre-selected by Audensiel, will be able to take the training of Data Engineer. At the end of this training provided by the LePont school, these profiles will have the opportunity to join the Audensiel teams.

The POEI device, what is it?

This Operational Preparation for Individual Employment (POEI) allows a job seeker registered in the Employment Pole to take training to acquire the necessary skills for the job. At the end of the training, the profile may fill the position proposed by the employer.

The POEI is funded by Pôle Emploi and, where appropriate, co-funded by the Competence Operators (OPCO).

Thanks to this system, future employees can develop their skills with funded training while being accompanied by an Employment Pole advisor.

Are you a job seeker registered with the Pôle Emploi and looking for a Data Engineer position?



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