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Our professional environment is also built with our partners who play an essential role in our way of moving forward on the market.

Environment Partners

Logo Planet Tech'Care

Audensiel is committed to this Planet Tech'Care network to respond to environmental issues.  Planet Tech'Care is a platform that connects companies and training players who wish to commit to reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology with a network of partners, digital and environmental experts. 

Logo Elise

Audensiel works with the adapted company ELISE for the recovery of its waste at the Boulogne-Billancourt head office and involves its employees in this selective sorting process. ELISE sites support companies in setting up selective sorting of their office waste. 15 different types of waste can be recovered. 

Social partners

Logo Charte de la Diversité

Audensiel has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2020. Part of the overall policy of the company or organization, the Diversity Charter aims to promote equal opportunities and diversity in all its components. Diversity and its corollary, living together, are the foundations of a socially and economically successful society.

Logo Elles bougent

Since the beginning of 2021, Audensiel has been a partner of the Elles Bougent association. Our collaborators invest themselves as godmothers and relays for the association.  The association  Elles Bougent intervenes to promote technological and digital professions among middle and high school girls and students, then to strengthen diversity in innovative sectors.

Logo Les entreprises pour la Cité

Audensiel is a partner of the association Les Entreprises pour la Cité . The association, formerly IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité, was founded 30 years ago, with a visionary intuition for the time, that of Claude Bébéar and several other great leaders: the company could only develop in a healthy environment.

Today, the association fights against inequalities among schoolchildren and young adults through various programs including Innov'Avenir, a digital inclusion program.

Partenaire Ethique


Audensiel is a signatory of the Responsible Purchasing and Supplier Relations charter.
This charter, with more than 2,200 signatories, is supported by the Business Mediator with the NPC National Purchasing Council.
Through this action, Audensiel undertakes to apply the principles of the Charter supporting our responsible purchasing policy in place.


Logo France Innovation
Logo Great Place To Work
Logo Ecovadis
Logo Label Fournisseur Provigis
Logo BPI France
Logo La French Tech
Logo Banque de France
Logo Crédit Impôt Recherche

Audensiel has been a member of the France Innovation association since 2020. France Innovation is a professional association that brings together private research and technological development providers, companies offering innovative products, processes or services and consulting and support players. in innovation.

Audensiel has been labeled Great Place To Work since 2017. Their mission is to create a better society by helping organizations become companies where it is good to work for everyone. 

Audensiel has obtained the "Silver" label from Ecovadis for CSR performance. EcoVadis facilitates the responsible management of upstream and downstream partners by sharing and monitoring CSR performance with all stakeholders involved in the value chains.

Audensiel has obtained the Supplier label from Provigis.  These Provigis certifications are intended to be communication tools for business services, in order to gain visibility thanks to their responsible purchasing assets.

Audensiel has obtained the Excellence label from BPI France.  An essential source of competitiveness, innovation is one of Bpifrance's priorities, from supporting R&D to strengthening the capital of innovative companies.

Audensiel is labeled French Tech.  French Tech is an official label awarded by the French authorities to metropolitan centers recognized for their startup ecosystem, as well as a common brand that can be used by innovative French companies.

The Banque de France assigns the E3 rating to Audensiel. The Banque de France considers the company's ability to honor its financial commitments over a 3-year horizon to be “strong” and confirms the seriousness of the company.

Audensiel holds Research Tax Credit Approval. The research tax credit is, in France, a tax reduction calculated on the basis of R&D expenses incurred by companies.

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